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pressostat 22..300BAR variabel HYST

Telemecanique Sensors
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{{stck.StockInfo.SecondaryStockLocation.DisplayName}}: {{stck.StockInfo.SecondaryStockLocation.Amount|number}} {{stck.StockInfo.SecondaryStockLocation.Uom}}
Særlige returbetingelser


LM Nr.:
Eget Varenr.:
UNSPSC (v. 19.0501):
HS Code:
Pressostat XML-B, 300 bar, variabel skala 2 thresholds, 1 C/O. pressure sensor name: XMLB - elektrisk kredsløbstype: styrekredsløb - skalatype: justerbar differential - pressure sensor size: 300 bar - lokalt display: med - adjustable range of switching point on falling pressure: 2.6...263 bar - adjustable range of switching point on rising pressure: 22...300 bar - possible differential maximum at high setting: 200 bar - maximum permissible accidental pressure: 675 bar - max. destruktionstryk: 1350 bar - trykudløser: piston - materials in contact med fluid: FPM, FKM, messing, PTFE, Stål - kasplingsmateriale: zink legering. Fordele: A wide range of compact and robust products designed to operate in hazardous environments.... Applications: What is an explosive atmosphere?. According to the Directive, it is the mixing with air, in atmospheric conditions, of flammable substances in the form of gas, vapour, mist or dust which, in the event of combustion, spreads throughout the non burning mix.... Fordele: Et bredt sortiment af kompakte og robuste induktive nærhedssensorer, endestop og trykstyringssensorer designet til drift i farlige miljøer, hovedsagelig støvzone 21 og 22.... Applications: Hvad er en eksplosiv atmosfære?. Ifølge direktivet er det blanding under atmosfæriske betingelser af luft og brændbare stoffer i form af gasser, dampe, tåger eller støv, i hvilken forbrændingen efter antændelse breder sig til hele den ubrændte blanding....

