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Product documentation

The better a product is described, the more likely it is that someone will want to buy it

Documentation in the form of pictures, product descriptions, attributes and other relevant information is important for the customer when he is going to choose a product. As more than half of all orders are searched, found and ordered digitally via our different e-business platforms today, it is vital for our customers, for our suppliers and for us that the documentation is correct. Updated product documentation is therefore not only a requirement from our side but also a clear mutual interest.

Input and updating of product documentation is made through our supplier portal where as a supplier you can see all information about the products you have created at Lemvigh-Müller. We call this portal and the associated database for PIM (Product Information Management). This information is used for our stationary and mobile e-business systems and for electronic and printed catalogues.

All suppliers are offered an introduction to PIM and a comprehensive manual and we have a support telephone line where you can get any help you might need.
