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Steel and metal industry

Get customised steel – and valuable expert support

You can get all the steel and metal you need –when you need it. We have delivery of 5,000 items. If you need anything else, including special steel qualities, we can provide it very quickly via our network of Northern European steel wholesalers and producers across the world.

We can also supply processed steel and metal for e.g. manufacturing machines or building projects – and you can store it with us in order to minimise waste and inventory. In addition, you can use us as your sparring partner and tap into our great expertise in steel and metal qualities – we can also tell you when is the best time to buy as we follow market and price trends closely.

As a matter of course, we comply with the requirements for CE marking and traceability. 

Heir you can download Bureau Veritas ISO 9001 certificate in pdf-format
Bureau Veritas ISO 9001 certifikat >> 

Heir you can download our ISO 1090 certificate in pdf-format
Bureau Veritas ISO 1090 certifikat >> 

Heir you can download Bureau Veritas ISO 3834 certifikat in pdf-format
Bureau Veritas ISO 3834 certifikat

Heir you can download Bureau Veritas ISO 14001 certifikat in pdf-format
Bureau Veritas ISO 14001 certifikat >> 

Heir you can download Bureau Veritas ISO 45001 certifikat in pdf-format
Bureau Veritas ISO 45001 certifikat >>

