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Diversity and inclusion policy

Diversity and inclusion help realize Lemvigh-Müller’s strategic ambitions to maintain a responsible and competent organization and to be to the best business partner.
To Lemvigh-Müller, diversity is not only about the visible diversity factors, such as gender, age, ethnicity, and visible functional impairment, but also about the invisible ones such as nationality, seniority, educational background, sexual orientation, experience, invisible diagnoses, learning preferences as well as social and cultural background. We act with integrity and strive to attract, develop, and maintain a diverse workforce by promoting a respectful, involving, innovative, and open-minded culture, in which all unique perspectives and contributions are included and put to use.

The overall purposes are to:
  • Create a long-term, healthy business by continuously understanding trends, adapting to, and comprehending the surrounding society, and lifting the social responsibility involved in running a corporation of our size.
  • Create a diverse workforce with different backgrounds, competences, and experiences. This helps broaden our professional and personal horizons and increase our ability to perform in a more creative and innovative way in an everchanging everyday life.
  • Promote an inclusive workplace, where our employees feel accepted as they are. We recognize that diversity does not automatically lead to inclusion unless everyone feels heard and valued. Therefore, we will strive to maintain a positive work culture that encourages respect for different opinions.
  • Ensure respect for basic human rights, such as anti-discrimination and equal opportunities. We recognize that the development of a responsible organizational culture must always respect these basic human rights principles. They are the prerequisite for respecting our employees, their integrity and by that the positive development of Lemvigh-Müller.

Among other things, we fulfill these by:
  • Our managers focusing without prejudice on attracting, maintaining, and involving all their employees across the diversity spectrum.
  • All our colleagues acting respectfully towards each other and in accordance with the internally defined guidelines in our employee handbook.
  • Defining goals that will drive forward our diversity and inclusion work, monitor progress and continuously improve our initiatives.
  • Updating our processes and procedures to promote diversity and inclusion.
  • Continuously monitoring risks in relation to adverse impacts on human rights – e.g. discrimination or lack of equal opportunity and prevention and mitigation of any such impacts.
  • Including diversity and inclusion in our recruitment process to ensure optimal team composition and thereby performance in the everyday work.
  • Continuously reviewing and revising this policy.