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We will help ensure that our employees and surroundings are treated properly

EU's new chemicals reform – the REACH regulation - came into force on June 1st 2007 and will be implemented stepwise over the following 15 years.

REACH will mean that companies will be responsible for proving that chemicals can be used safely and without risks to humans and the environment. This calls for greater communication between suppliers and users. REACH will also mean that companies gain greater knowledge about the safety and environmental properties of chemical substances.

In REACH terminology, Lemvigh-Müller is regarded as a distributor and downstream consumer of chemical products. Therefore, Lemvigh-Müller needs to ensure that our suppliers register the substances that are included in the products we sell.

Should there be any questions about our work with REACH, please contact our HSEQ manager Dorte Munch-Laursen på doml@lemu.dk