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Safety datasheets (SDS/MSDS)

Find safety data sheets for chemistry products here

Safety data sheets can be found, both under the products in the shop, in the chemistry database CHESS and in the CHESS app (both for Apple and Android).

  • In the shop, the safety data sheet is found for the given product, possibly in different language versions, most often Danish and English. Find it in the lower right corner.
  • In CHESS, the safety data sheets can be retrieved both with and without a login.

With login (your lemu.dk customer login) you as a customer, get an overview of the products you have purchased, as well as the possibility to create WPIs (workplace user manuals), make advanced searches etc., while without a login, you get just an overview with all safety data sheets.

Link to chess without login    LINK to chess with LOGIN

Note that you choose the language in the upper left corner.

  • The app is found in the Apple App store and in the Google Play store under: DGDOC.

To use the app, you must log in, under the upper left corner and then under the person icon at the bottom. A login is available through Lemvigh-müller's chemical department, contact: Sten Weiler at, SJOR@lemu.dk

Note, the first time you will be asked to choose your language, which is done under settings, see the guide

In the app, you can access safety data sheets, much like you can in CHESS.
